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Benzinga Special

Guaranteed Published Articles on Benzinga and at least 400+ other premier global news media. Distribution price for first 400 words. Press Release Publication Must be in English. Your Press Release will also be sent to our 100,000 journalists contact data base to maximize earned media exposure and media follow-up.

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Why Choose Us?

Discover how our unparalleled press release distribution service amplifies your message globally, targets your key audience, enhances your SEO, and delivers measurable results.


For One Off:


For Packages

Product Feature

Guarenteed Publication

Global Reach

Exclusive Editorial

Competitive Pricing

Customer Support

Customized Distribution

Multimedia Integration

Video Add - On

Photo Add - On

Press Release Copywriting

Social Media Synication

Send to Journalists

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BENZINGA is a dynamic financial news platform that caters to investors, traders, and entrepreneurs with real-time market insights and business news. Publishing a press release on Benzinga can offer several strategic advantages for your business:

  • Branding: Benzinga's audience of savvy investors and business professionals can elevate your brand's visibility and appeal.

  • Third-Party Validation: Being featured on Benzinga lends credibility to your company's news, validating your achievements and announcements.

  • Trust Building: Regular exposure on Benzinga can establish your company as a reliable source of industry news and insights, fostering trust with your audience.

  • Traffic and SEO: Leverage Benzinga's Domain Authority (DA) of around 70 to enhance your website's SEO and attract more visitors, particularly within the finance and business sectors.

Benzinga is particularly suitable for companies in finance, technology, and entrepreneurship, as well as those looking to reach a community of active traders and investors. With an estimated monthly traffic in the hundreds of thousands, Benzinga offers substantial visibility and engagement opportunities.

Unique to Benzinga is its focus on actionable financial news and its community of engaged investors and traders. This niche focus makes it an attractive platform for companies seeking to target a specific, financially literate audience. While Yahoo! Finance offers broader industry coverage and a larger audience, Benzinga's specialized content and community engagement provide a unique value proposition for businesses looking to make a targeted impact with their press releases.

400 + News Site Guanrenteed.
Boost Traffic, Social Proof, and be Investor Ready.

Broadcast your stories to the world with our premium press release distribution network.

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